American Style House
Planned and built as an all-American suburban house, both in terms of the design approach and the construction method, this sizable house’s spacious interior did not interfere with our ability to maintain human proportions. Each of the home functions has its own designated area, with no large “open spaces”. This traditional design approach serves the sense of warmth and intimacy, which was the top priority. The wooden construction method, typical of the American suburbs, was employed in all its details, as demonstrated in both the frame and finish materials.
The Property: Lot 1270 m², built-up 650 m², Caesarea
The Client: A family with 3 children, returning from the US
Status: Completion date: May 2000
Exterior Photos
כניסה לוילה המאופיינת בסגנון הביזנטי
Interior Photos
כניסה לוילה המאופיינת בסגנון הביזנטי