Classically Inspired Family Home
This house was designed and built to serve as a summer home for a family that lives in a European capital and is considering, and hoping, to eventually repatriate to Israel. Subsequently, our design can accommodate two possible “modes” of life in the house: a vacation mode (summer activities, use of the swimming pool) and an everyday life mode for a family with 3 children. The chosen style was urban and classically inspired, with an emphasis on living rooms, hosting, and recreation, as well as a strong connection to the outdoors.
The Property: Lot 600 m², built-up 310 m², Caesarea
The Client: A family of foreign residents with 3 children
Status: Completion date: January 2013
Exterior Photos
כניסה לוילה המאופיינת בסגנון הביזנטי
The Construction Process
כניסה לוילה המאופיינת בסגנון הביזנטי