Planning a Remodeling Project
Remodeling requires no less meticulous planning than new construction. Much like when planning a new house, the first step is to prepare a detailed program based on an in-depth examination of the client’s needs and wishes; propose a conceptual design, process the details together with the client, receive his approval for the final plan, and prepare a set of detailed work plans. During construction, execution must be supervised to ensure that it is up to par and that the final result is consistent with the plan and meets the client’s expectations.  
In addition to the numerous considerations inherent to the correct planning of a new construction, some considerations are unique to the remodeling process:

Architectural Design Stage
  • Assessing the existing situation: what to keep, and what to demolish? Which elements support the new design, and which interfere with it?
  • Will it be possible to continue living in the house during the remodeling? If it will be necessary to leave, can it be limited to the shortest possible period?
  • Can the desired result be achieved, considering the limitations of the existing situation? Will the change be substantial enough?

Budget Planning Stage
  • The costs of demolition, waste disposal, and frequent cleaning of the construction site and its surroundings must be taken into account (especially if the client intends to keep living in the house during the remodeling).
  • If it is necessary to vacate the house during the renovation, the cost of moving to a temporary place of residence must be taken into account, including such expenses as packing, moving and rent.
  • It is advisable to try to get hold of the original house plans. Architectural, construction, plumbing, and electrical plans of the existing house are vital for a methodical work process, and a successful remodeling. If there are no original digitized plans, the cost of preparing plans of the existing state of the house must be taken into account.

Schedule Planning Stage
  • If the owners intend to go on living in the house during the remodeling process, it is important to minimize the disruption of their everyday life. This requires planning a schedule and work order that differ from those of a new construction project. For instance: finishing the work on specific areas first, even if it entails several subcontractors having to return to the site multiple times.
  • If the owners chose to move out for the remodeling period, the time they spend living in their temporary residence must be shortened as much as possible. Work must be timed efficiently, by having multiple teams work simultaneously, and by increasing the number of workers, all without overcrowding the premises.

Supervision Stage
  • To minimize the discomfort of temporary living solutions, or of living in the house while it is being remodeled; schedules must be adhered to with extra precision.
  • The contractors and tradesmen must be closely supervised, in light of the field’s poor standards.

Get consultation before renovation!